About MetroCommute.in
MetroCommute.in is focussed on providing details of public commuting options within the city. Initially we will be providing an easily navigable/searchable database of commuting options for using using MTC (Metropolitan Transport Corporation) Buses and Suburban Train services in Chennai.MetroCommute.in is a venture of Sahasvat, which specializes in SaaS (Software as a Service) applications.
The contents of this site are based upon material in our possession which may have been supplied to us or collected from sources (like websites of MTC and Southern Railway), which we believe are reliable. All locations shown in the Map (for Bus Stages or Train Stations) may involve approximations and possibly errors, which may still need to be corrected. The approximate routes provided using Google Maps, may not be the actual routes taken by the buses. Whilst effort is made towards achieving accuracy and completeness of the data, we cannot offer any warranty that factual errors may not have occurred. We would appreciate being informed of any errors (via the Feedback form or via email to raj@sahasvat.com) so that these can be rectified. Sahasvat (or any of its subsidiaries or partners) takes no responsibility for any damage or loss suffered by reasons of the inaccuracy or incorrectness of the content.